Monday, September 15, 2008

Murray Mania!

End of summer fun! We are glad to be back in school and loving the fall weather. The girls were busy this summer playing with friends, riding bikes, running in the sprinkers, ballet classes, and many trips to the pool. As for Tom and I, our business has been doing well. Never a dull moment down at our shop. Our name is starting to get well known in the public now. I'm loving my young womens calling. What a great group of girls we have, but was I that obnoxious when I was a teenager? Check back in about a month...I love looking at everyone's blogs!


Melissa said...

I can't believe how grown up your girls are and that lindee is in preschool already! How fun! You look fabulous and I'm glad the business is still going strong. You are so talented. Your girls are adorable and so is your family.

Meagan DeLange said...

Yay! You added a new post ; )! I think your girls look a lot like you - they're so cute!

Amanda said...

Its good to hear from you on the blog. Sounds like a busy and fun summer.

the sorensons said...

i miss those little beehives! but they are super lucky to have you now! i think we were all that obnoxious it is just that our old age blurs our memory and we think that we were never THAT bad! (at least that is what i tell myself:) )

Lisa/Scott said...

I love the young women!! haha, I'm sure we were all a little more obnoxious than we remember being at that age. Shoot, I was a spazz not only in high school, but also in college, as a missionary, etc. I didn't calm down until I got married. I have a theory that all the energy of single folks comes from pent up hormones.